Fundamentals of human geography
Human geography – nature and scope
Short Questions:
Q1. Who introduced the concept of neo-determinism?
Ans: Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of neo-determinism.
Q2. Which subject is known as the mother of all branches of knowledge?
Ans: Geography is known as the mother of all branches of knowledge.
Q3. Which sub field of geography is called ‘demography’?
Ans: Population Geography is also known as ‘demography’.
Q4. Name two major components of environment (Earth).
Ans: Physical environment and life forms including Human beings.
Q5. What was the approach of Human Geography in colonial period?
Ans: Exploration and description along with regional approach.
Q6. Mention two branches of Political Geography?
Ans. Electoral geography and Military geography.
Q7. What is the theme of possibilism?
Ans. Nature can be conquered.
Q8. What is Naturalization of Humans?
– Human activities are controlled and governed by Environment.
– Man is treated as a Passive agent.
– Human adjustment in the environment with the help of available
– Example of Benda life in Abujhamaad area of central India.
Q9. What is humanization of nature?
– Man is treated as an independent and active agent.
– Everywhere there are possibility and man is the master of these possibilities.
– Man can transform nature by cultural and technological knowledge.
– Example of Cari residing in Trondheim (Norway).
Q10. Mention three Characteristics of Neo-Determinism.
– Introduced by Griffith Taylor.
– Reflects the middle path between the ideas of Environmental determinism and possibility.
– Emphasize in solving the problems without damaging the environment.
– It believes in the concept of stop and Go Determinism.
Q11. List out the approaches of human geography.
i) Exploration and description
ii) Regional analysis
iii) Areal differentiation
iv) spatial Organisation
v) Emergence of humanistic, radical and behavioural school.
vi) Post -modernism in geography.
Q12. Name the fields of Human Geography
i)Social Geography
ii)Urban Geography.
iii)Political Geography.
iv) Population Geography.
v) Settlement geography.
vi)Economic geography.
Q13. What is qualities revolution ?
Ans: Concerned with use of computers and sophisticated statistical tools.
Q14. Distinguish between regional approach and systematic approach of Geography.
Systematic Approach-
i) Based on political units
ii) Single element is taken for studies such as climate.
Regional approach
i) Based on geographical units.
ii) Based on similarities
Q15. Give three examples to prove that technology can be developed after understanding natural laws.
i)concept of friction and heat developed in the invention of fire.
ii)Perfect understanding of the secrete of DNA and genetics helped to conquer many diseases.
iii)Knowledge of the laws of aerodynamics helped in the invention of faster planes.
Human Geography- Nature and Scope
1. The theme of human geography is based on – (Human Geography- Nature and Scope)
(A) The study of nature
(B) The study of human beings and their activities
(C) The relationship between man and his natural environment
(D) The study of phenomenon occurred on the surface of the earth
Answer- (C)
2. “Human geography is a study of changing relationship between un-resting man and unstable earth” The core idea of above mentioned definition is –
(A) Dynamism in the relationship
(B) Synthesis
(C) New conceptions of the interrelationship
(D) Welfare
3. Which of the following Scholar (geographer) defined geography as “The synthetic study of relationship between human societies and the earth’s surface”.
(A) Miss Ellen Semple
(B) Vidal de la Blache
(C) Friedrich Ratzel
(D) Griffith Taylor
4. Vidal de la Blache supported the idea of ______.
(A) Possibilism
(B) Determinism
(C) Behavioural School
(D) Radical School
5. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
Scholar Approach
(A)Friedrich Ratzel Determinism
(B)Ellen C. Semple Welfare
(C)Griffith Taylor Neo Determinism
(D)Vidal de la Blache Possibilism
6. Make correct pairs from the following two columns and select the correct option. (Human Geography- Nature and Scope)
Period Approach
1. Early colonial period (a) Exploration & Description
2. Late 1950’s to the late 1960’s (b) Regional Analysis
3. Later colonial period (c) Aerial Differentiation
4. 1930’s through the inter-war period (d) Spatial Organization
(A) 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c)
(B) 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b)
(C) 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a)
(D) 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d)
7. The core concern of ‘Stop & Go’ determinism is-
(a) The movement of human from a state of necessity to a state of freedom.
(b) Human beings should adapt the dictates of nature.
(c) Possibilities can be created within a limit and there is no free run without accidents.
(d) None of the above
Answer- (C)
8. Which factors helped the human to conquer nature? (Human Geography- Nature and Scope)
(a) Intelligence
(b) Development of new thoughts
(c) Development of technology
(d) Discoveries and explorations of new ideas
Ans. (c)
9. Areal differentiation postulates the idea regarding
(a) Imperial and trade interests
(b) Elaboration and description of all aspects of a region
(c) Identification and uniqueness of a region
(d) Use of computers and sophisticated statistical tools.
10. Which of the following approach marked by the use of computers and sophisticated
statistical tools
(a) Areal differentiation
(b)Regional analysis
(c) Spatial organization
(d) Exploration & description
Ans. (c)
11. Arrange the following approaches in a correct order according to their development
1. Spatial organization
2. Regional approach
3. Areal differentiation
4. Humanistic approach
a. 2. , 3. , 1. , 4.
b. 1. , 2. , 3. , 4.
c. 4. , 1. , 2. , 3.
d. 3. , 2. , 1. , 4.
Answer –(a)
12. Consider the following situations and choose suitable title for them from the given options.
1. Very low level of technological development
2. The physical environment act as the “Mother Nature”
3. Afraid and worshiping of nature by human being
a. Naturalization of humans
b. Humanization of nature
c. Neo-determinism
d. None of the above
Ans. (a)
13. Which of the following things are not created by nature?
a. Natural Vegetation
b. Soils
c. Farms
d. Landforms
Ans. (c)
14. “Neither is there a situation of absolute necessity and nor is there a condition of absolute
freedom, human beings can conquer nature by obeying it”.
Above mentioned lines are correctly defines the concept of—
a. Possibilism b. Determinism
c. Humanism d. Neo Determinism
Ans. (d)
15. Which factor helped human being a lot to move from a “state of necessity to a state of
a. Technology b. Listening or obeying of nature
c. Explorations c. None of the above
Ans. (a)
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